(Version: 2024-11)
Sept 2019 - Now: Artist and independent scholar
Market prices, complex systems, quantitative socio-economics, political economy, cultural and monetary economics
Oct 2014- Aug 2019: Chargé de cours of Econometrics at CORE, Université catholique de Louvain
Sept 2012- Sept 2014: Associate Professor of Economics at RIEM, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Jan 2013- Jun 2014: Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics at Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa
Sept 2010- Jun 2011: Rubicon Post-doctoral Scholar at Cowles Foundation, Yale University
This section presents my research work, focusing on both recent thoughts as well as previous papers that provide context and understanding to my current work.
As a former educator, I am passionate about sharing knowledge and fostering learning. In this section, you can access a collection of my general teaching materials.
I share some random thoughts in my blog.
My intention is to create a platform for sharing some of my raw ideas. While many of these ideas may only have vague or irregular connections with my research topics, they serve as prototypes for concepts eventually developed in my papers. If you are curious and wish to explore these raw materials, I welcome you to visit my blog without hesitation.
Link to my blog